Tuesday, August 18, 2020

in the year seven-eptwin-four

(eric joyner via)

For some reason thinking again about hexadecimal words. It's been awhile, but not as long ago as this (a heresy forgotten by everyone but me). Which is interesting mainly because conlangs aren't generally associated with alternative counting systems. True, the Codex Seraphinianum seems to use base-21. And though i may be pardoned for imagining Klingon to use base-11, 'tisn't so.

Using this converter, i find that the current year is 7E4.

the deck & the quid

(nnt-channel on tumblr)

On Soviet watches.

"No English dictionary word contains more than four consecutive letters of the alphabet. Among the longest examples are the -RSTU- found in words like UNDERSTUDY and OVERSTUFF, and the -MNOP- in GYMNOPHOBIA (the fear of nudity) and LIMNOPHILE (a creature that lives in marshland)." --@HaggardHawks


the morbidezza of the morning light
no more than thirty minutes long,
uninerrable: the iron
of errancy's inconsequential blood.

sesquisaudade fills the other hours
eager to have found their voice;
a Molinist succumbs to kudzu
safely out of reach of any sun.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Tao in Klingon.

"LABYRINTH (Aelindrome in the Decimal Expansion of e)

Used, these dearth-ready areas
one’s lost Minotaur oversees....

Hour over,
set a lost Minos
a reasoned,


The demise of the second-hand bookshop.

Friday, August 14, 2020

paynim plunk

(lennsan on tumblr)

Theory of symmetry.

tinkling bells
lit by a sickle moon"


Kosmische Lauder Volume 3 (The Secret Cosmic Music Of The East German Olympic Program 1972-83).

all the harm
that after all befell

only because someone
would have to be spared

your saying this:
less talisman

than it seems

baleen data
kind of a burnt out feeling

courtroom lobby
lists that are not in the language

cobblestone streets
& words like cobblestones

i break them

woostpenplas periwig
hustle of topazglimmer
liquid fascism

-gang lost in the simmerdim
hap which on them is alight

4. solo logorrhiac
prease dimberballow not


hentgraisk snap

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

star-craving mad


"THE ART (Aelindrome in the Decimal Expansion of √2)

The art,
a losing sun,
as she emerges,
only a swan
to her suffering,
may be dark
as turns of sky....

Do seas turn
so dark, maybe
suffering her
as wantonly,
so emerge as she —
sung in a lost heart?"


In Edinburgh.

The decor of plan & design has yielded to the exigencies of repeated moving & having to fit into available space, long ago, & thence a rapid obliviousness upon most of the rooms' contents--haunted, still, by where a thing should or used to be.