Tuesday, September 15, 2015

by a jaded quay

Apparently, burning NH4Cr2O7 with HgSCN opens a portal to hell.

Apparently, burning NH4Cr2O7 with HgSCN opens a portal to hell.

Posted by Amazing on Saturday, February 1, 2014


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

aegiphanic cacophanies

"He had collected all kinds or knives, sharp tools, picks, sheep shears, etc. and had them all impaled in the walls of his living room. It was covered in weapons stuck in the wall. There was an axe on a Christmas tree stand that turned and played Silent Night. It had Bible verses glued to it. He said some guy had come over to collect on a drug debt, and he chopped off his ear with the axe. The ear was stuck in the wall by an icepick that was about 14" long. In the corner was a glass 5 gal water jug with neon tubes in it that pulsed. They were lit by an electric fence power pack he'd found." --Bobby B. on Facebook

Pavor nocturnis thread.

"all that I do not know
I have lost none of it"


Victorian secrets.

"With crystal vestibule and architrave" --Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Timecube thread.

"...the fair, frail palaces,
The blue and crimson archipelagoes..." --Aldrich

Lovecraft & the Book of Reason.