Friday, February 1, 2019

bloscrois yotir

NOZOMI passing in the night.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends towards zombie apocalypse." --Nick Land

It starts with the Woofus.

First, we can see now how solastalgia is entirely congruent with hüzün (cf saudade: "Thus saudade might be a better description than nostalgia for the appeal of homebrew: the sub-culture within retro gaming that makes new games for old systems. In this evocation of what never was homebrew games are inherently transgressive to actual history. They show what could (perhaps should) have happened but did not and they make the case that this alternative history was at the very least possible thanks to their existence as technological artifact being 'proof by construction'."). Sepia, etymonarchical vocabularies...

"Depressive anhedonia" & vaporwave aesthetics go together like chocolate & peanut butter.


Watching The Wizard of Oz again on the big screen, reminds me again how "inside" & "outside" are a story. We are not *inside* some hyperobject called Climate Change. There's no sepia world on one side of a tornado & a technicolor world on the other. They interpenetrate, uncannily. Every creature is a Woofus.